Sunday, November 27, 2005

An International Demonstration calling for the Destruction of the Moroccan Wall

Farsia (liberated territories), 27/11/2005(SPS) An international demonstration claiming for the destruction of the wall of shame, which was erected by Morocco in the Western Sahara, took place Saturday in "Oum Legta" (Farsia region), to which dozens European citizens had participated as well as Saharawi NGOs and hundreds Saharawi refugees.

At least 200 persons from Spain, Algeria and Cuba demonstrated in front of the Moroccan wall of sham in the zone of "Oum Legta", under the theme "down with the wall of shame", calling for the enforcement of the international legality and the lifting of the tate of siege imposed on the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The participants, who denounced, in a press release, the « wall of shame », which is a crime against humanity, claimed for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners and for the immediate ending of th Moroccan barbarous repression that is striking the Saharawi civil population in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and south Morocco.

This demonstration was organised by the Saharawi civil society in coordination with the associations of friendship worldwide, with the presence of the international press that came to cover the event.

It should be recalled that this is the 5th demonstration of the kind in less than 2years. (SPS)

The Welcome of the Saharawi families in the occupied territories to the families coming from the Refugees camps in Recent excahnge visit supervised by UN

UN Renews Flights

UN Renews Flights for Saharawis
Prensa Latina Algiers25 November 2005
On Friday the UN renewed exchanges between Western Saharan familiesliving in El Aaiun and others living in Tinduf refugee camps borderingAlgeria.In 1975 Morocco annexed by force part of Western Sahara after Spainpulled out.A plane belonging to the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Saharaleft El Aaiun Airport with 27 families for Tinduf, home to a refugeecamp of 165,000, and will return with an equal number of families whichhave been divided by the 30-year struggle for independence.At least 29 such exchanges have taken place since the flights began lastyear, benefiting 1,476 Arab families, with 722 people visiting therefugee camp and another 754 visiting the Morocco-controlled Saharawiterritory.Pro-independence movement Polisario Front has been demanding areferendum on self-determination as stated by UN resolutions.Meanwhile, the UN High Commission for Refugees has put a telephone linebetween Tinduf and Morocco-occupied territories, and is negotiating formail service.This month, the UN Secretary General's special envoy to Western Sahara,Dutch Peter Van Walsum, began consultations in Rabat, the Moroccancapital, to find a solution to the Western Sahara issue that includes aconsultation of the Saharawi people.He met with Prime Minister Dris Jettu, Foreign Minister Mohamed Benaissaand other Moroccan officials.

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