Saturday, March 11, 2006

CORELSO -Fishing agreement

CORELSO asked the European Parliament re-study the fishing accord with Morocco
Paris, 04/03/206 (SPS) The Committee for the respect of liberties and human rights in Western Sahara (CORELSO) asked the European Parliament to audition some associations on "the denial international law" represent by the fishing accords between the European Union and Morocco, indicated the Committee on Thursday in Paris.
In a letter addressed to the President of the European Parliament's Committee of Fishing, Mr. Philippe Morillon, CORELSO underlined that "Morocco illegally pretends to have sovereignty on the territorial waters of the Western Sahara".
On another hand, CORELSO asked France to reject the fishing accord with Morocco, which "has no sovereignty on the territorial waters" of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (RASD), indicated a letter addressed to the French Minister of Agriculture and Fishing, M. Dominique Bussereau, signed by the co-President of CORELSO, Mrs. Aline Pailler. (SPS)


The Republican Left of Catalonia calls on the Spanish Government to recognise the Saharawi Republic
Madrid, 02/03/2006 (SPS) The Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC, Republican Left of Catalonia) presented a draft motion to the Congress (Parliament's low chamber), in which it called on the Spanish Government to "officially" recognise the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.
The Draft, which was registered for debates in the Committee for International Cooperation for Development, exhorted the Spanish Government to "establish bilateral horizontal relations with the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic'', ''which is recognised by the African Union and many other countries", recalled the Algerian Press Agency, APS.
It also urged for the "promotion of cooperation" between Spain and the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, in particular with regards to the "basic needs of the Saharawi population".
The text of the draft asks the Spanish Executive to "insist", within the relevant international bodies, on "the urgent need to resolve the abnormal situation prevailing in the Saharawi territories" and to "subordinate the accords with the Moroccan State to the guarantees and the respect of human rights of the Saharawi population" in the Saharawi occupied territories.
ERC also recalled that Spain's adherence to the UN in 1955 implicated "the acceptation of the principles of decolonisation". "Nonetheless, the Party stressed, Spain differed the process (the decolonisation of the Western Sahara- Ed) until in 1965, when it was invited to start the process".
The Catalonian Party, on another hand, recalled that the UN had dispatched an ad-hoc Committee to the occupied territories in 1975, has noted Saharawi people's "desire for independence" and their "fear from the annexationist exploitation of Morocco and Mauritania.
"The Spanish State has got a historical responsibility and a moral debt towards the Saharawi people, and the Saharawi Republic hopes hat Madrid assumes its fundamental role in the process that should lead to the independence of the Saharawis", the same source said.
The Esquerra Republicana de Catalonia is represented in the Catalonian Congress (8 seats) as well as in the Catalonian Parliament (23 seats). This party is also member of the Coalition Government of Catalonia. (SPS)

UN Mission in Western Sahara

"The Minurso does not doubt that there is a freedom of movement in the (refugees) camps''
Madrid, 02/03/2006 (SPS) "The United Nations Mission for a referendum in Western Sahara (Minurso) does not doubt that effectively, there is a freedom of movement in the (refugees) camps", denying thus the Moroccan allegations, according to which the Saharawi refugees do not have freedom of circulation, indicated the Spanish newspaper, ABC.
The Saharawi refugees consider these allegations as an "insult" and "the members of the Minurso do not doubt that that effectively, there is a freedom of movement in the (refugees) camps", ABC wrote, quoting Ingud Fuehlau an official of the Mission.
In 2003 the UN's Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution (1495) in which it endorsed the Baker Plan for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, as ''the optimum political solution'' for the settlement of the conflict.
This plan was accepted by the Polisario Front. It was rejected by Morocco, it should be further recalled. (SPS)
020/090/700/TRD 021345 Mar 06 SPS


The President of the Republic receives a message from the President of the Mauritanian military Council for Justice and Democracy
Tifariti (liberated territories), 01/03/2006 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, received a message of congratulations, this Monday, from the President of the Mauritanian military Council for Justice and Democracy, Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall, Head of the Mauritanian State, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic.
Here is the complete text of the message publicised by the Mauritanian Press Agency, (AMI):
"At a moment when the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic is celebrating its national holiday, I am very pleased to express you my sincere congratulations as well as my best wishes of health and happiness to you and progress and prosperity to the Saharawi people.
I would also like, on this occasion, to reaffirm our preoccupation to pursue the work of strengthening the relations of brotherhood and cooperation that exists between the two brother peoples.
May God guide our steps for the good of the whole Arabic and Islamic nation.
Accept sir my highest considerations
Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall
President of the Mauritanian military Council for Justice and Democracy, Head of the State". (SPS)
020/090/000/TRD 011510 Mar 06 SPS

SADR Marathon

A Spaniard wins the 6th edition of the international Marathon of the Sahara
Smara (refugee camps), 01/03/2006 (SPS) The 6th edition of the international Sahara Marathon, which too place on Tuesday in the Wilaya of El Aaiun heading towards Smara, was won by the Spaniard, Ramon Alvare Sainz, in 3 hours 16Minutes, followed by his compatriot Amindorain, few seconds after.
The Half Marathon was won by the Irish, Mikel Callens, in 1 hour23 minutes, followed by the Spaniard, Juan Jose Garcia and Raul Quintana.
In a statement to SPS, Mr. Mikel, who works in the newspaper "London Times", indicated that his participation enabled him, "to know the Saharawi people, a generous and peaceful people, from very close".
On his part the Italian, Maurizio Paladinio, won the 10 KM race in 44 minutes 12 seconds, while the second place was to the Algerian, Hakim Zarwali, 62 years, who affirmed to SPS that he participated to this edition, "to support the Saharawi people".
The women race of this edition was won by the Saharawi, Chikha Abba Cheikh, followed by two of her compatriots, Habiba et Tfarah Selma.
The handing over of the prices took place during an evening party organised by the Wilaya of Smara and a dinner was offered to the participants by the Governor of Smara, Bouchraya, with the presence of the member of the Polisario Front's National Secretariat in charge of political orientation, Khatri Addouh, in addition to many national personalities.
Castelleno Villenzo (45 years), who won this edition, has already won the first price of the 2005 Sahara Marathon, it should be recalled. (SPS)
020/090/000/TRD 011045 Mars 06 SPS

SADR -Anti-personal mines

Polisario destroyed more than 3.000 Anti-personal mines
Tifariti (liberated territories), 27/02/2006 (SPS) Polisario Front destroyed, Monday in Tifariti, a part of its stock of mines, indicated a spokesperson of the Saharawi Ministry for Defence, in charge of this operation, which took place in margin of the celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of the Saharawi Republic organised in this liberated territories.
Intervening during the ceremony, which took place under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, the Saharawi Minister of Defence, Mohamed Lemine Bouhali, underlined that this initiative illustrates the Saharawi people choice of "a just and lasting peace in the region on the basis of the respect of their legitimate rights to freedom and independence ".
The Minister deplored that Morocco "is still refusing to destroy its stock of mines, an dis obstinate to maintain the military wall of separation and to intensify the repression in the Saharawi occupied territories".
On her part, the President of the Geneva Call, Mrs. Elisabeth Reusse-Decrey, congratulated the Polisario Front "for this courageous initiative by hic hit took the path of the humanity. She launched an appeal to the international community to exercise pressures of Morocco so as to push it follow the example of the Polisario Front and destroy its mines, which "do not differentiate between the step of a child or a soldier".
The Geneva Call is an international humanitarian constituted in 2000 by members of the International Campaign against antipersonnel mines, working for the engagement of the parties that did not sign the Ottawa Convention in the struggle against mines. It offers a complementary mechanism to the Convention, which allow these actors to adhere the norms of interdiction of mines signing the Act of Engagement. To this date, 27 movements signed the Geneva Call.
Rabat, which is not a signing party of the Ottawa Convention of 1997, installed millions mines in the region, all along the wall of send of more than 2.000 kilometres, which is also fortified with heavy weapons, trench, barbed wires and soldiers cutting the Western Sahara and its people in two parts from the north to the south. (SPS)

Commemoration of the Saharawi Republic's 30th anniversary in liberated territories of Western Sahara
Tifariti (liberated territories), 27/02/2005 The festivities that mark the 30th anniversiy of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic started Monday in Tifariti under the presidency of the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, with the presence of many official delegations who came to affirm their support to he decolonisation of the Western Sahara, which is militarily occupied since 1975 by the Kingdom of Morocco.
Battalions from the 7 Saharawi military regions opened the celebrations with parades, before an important Saharawi audience coming from the different Saharawi refugee camps, who crossed hundreds kilometres to commemorate this anniversary.
In the official platform was noticed the presence of two Algerian Ministers, Mohamed Cherif Abass, Minister of the Moudjahidines and Abdelkader Messahel, Minister in Charge of African and Maghreb Affairs, in addition to high responsibles and Ambassadors of the Governments of South Africa, Tanzania, Angola, Kenya, Guinea Bissau, Cuba, Nigeria, Mauritania and East Timor.
Many other imminent guests coming from the different continents were also present to the festivities, mainly representatives of political parties, Parliaments, Mayors, NGOs, civil society and Medias, who came to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Saharawi Republic, which was proclaimed in February the 27th 1976 in Bir Lehlu after the hurried withdrawal of the Spanish coloniser.
The activities of this morning were concluded by a speech of the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, while another still military parade is planed for this afternoon, and will be followed by the destruction of a part of Polisario Front's stocks anti-personal mines, the organisers said. (SPS)

SADR 30 Anniversary

Mr. Abdelaziz: the Saharawi people reject the autonomy proposed by Morocco
Tifariri (liberated territories), 27/02/2006 (SPS) "The Saharawi people reject, totally and in the details, this idea of autonomy", proposed by Morocco, which "can not pretend to have the right to talk on behalf of the Saharawis", the President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz, declared in his speech on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, on Monday in Tifariti.
Mr. Abdelaziz noted that the Moroccan preposition is "a complete contradiction to the UN's Charter and to the tens resolutions of the UN's Security Council", adding that it can lead the region to "dangerous deterioration and insecurity with unforeseen consequences ".
The Head of the State, also stressed that the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic by Saharawis in the liberated region of Tifariti, is a clear "message" to the international community and to affirm that "any solution to the conflict of Western Sahara passes by the respect of the will of Saharawis, and thus the respect of their inalienable right to self-determination through a free, just and impartial referendum".
President Abdelaziz, further recalled that the Saharawi population in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, who "opted for peaceful, civilised and democratic uprising" against the Moroccan colonialism, advocate only to exercise their right to self-determination as enshrined in the UN's Charter.
This uprising "is an irrefutable proof on the failure of any approach that aim to deny to the Saharawi people their right to freely elect on their independence", he said. (SPS)
010/090/100 271495 Feb 06 SPS


WFP calls on donators to increase their contribution of humanitarian aid to the Saharawi refugees
Brussels, 25/02/2006 (SPS) The World Food Programme (WFP) asked the donators, on Friday, to increase their contribution for the aid in favour of the Saharawis now that it is obvious that "a serious deficiency in the humanitarian aid threatens the whole Saharawi refugees populations", reported the Algerian Press Service, APS.
In a press release, publicised by the organisation on Friday, the WFP indicated that i twill soon send an emergency humanitarian aid to the Saharawi populations, who were victims to weather torments in the Saharawi refugee camps. It evaluated the food emergency needs to 3.6 millions dollars in favour of the refugees, who are "totally dependent" of this aid to survive for the next six months.
WFP also asked the donators "not to abandon the Saharawi refugees, who are living in very difficult conditions in the middle of the desert where they have no chance to earn their living.
The European Committee, on its side, has dedicated an emergency aid evaluated to 400.000 euros to the disaster-stricken Saharawi refugees, it should be recalled.
This aid allowed the WFP to borrow strategic stocks from the Humanitarian Department of the European Committee to provide emergency food to the refugees for a month. (SPS)

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