Sunday, November 06, 2005

A huge demonstrations agaisnt the Moroccan Occupation

november 06, 2005

New demonstartion in front of the media
Occupied Layoune (Main City in Western Sahara):In spite of the huge deployment of the Moroccan security forces and the status of curfew imposed on the occupied territory of Western Sahara, an overwhelming demonstration took place in the afternoon of November the 5th 2005 when hundreds of Saharawi youngs went out in major Layoune avenues and quarters (Avenue of Smara, Maatallaa, Duraydik, Skeikima, Boukraa, Mezouar) chanting independence slogans and waving Saharawi flags under the eyes of Spanish media who witnessed the torture and beating of the Saharawi citizens who were savagely led to Moroccan police Stations, among them:- Bourajaa and Hassan Aassry who was speaking to foreign journalists, Mohamed Aajna.It should also be recalled that Reuters photograph was beaten by Moroccan security forces.Other detainees:- Daoudi Hammadi, Daoudi Kaltoum, Daoudi Brahim.Media who were present:- Spanish TV Channel 1.- Spanish TV channel 2.- TV Catalonia.- TV Andalusia.- Spanish News Agency.- ABC newspaper.- La Vanguardia Newspaper.- Reuters photograph.- Radio Cadena SER Correspondent.- Sahyfa El Maghribya and others.Occupied Smara (North West Western Sahara):Big demonstrations took place in Smara (North West Western Sahara) raising Saharawi flags and chanting slogans for the uprising and independence. The demonstration was brutally oppressed by the Moroccan Forces and families of the militants were threatened.The Demonstration started from the so-called Hassan II avenue and ended in front of the Juridical Police School after violent confrontations with the occupying forces.Tantan (South Morocco):Also a big independence challenging demonstration took place in Tantan; it started from Arbi Massoaoud Avenue, named “Mohamed 5” Avenue and ended at Hamdi Lambarki Avenue named Hassan II Avenue. The Moroccan Forces intervened brutally to disperse the demonstrators. Tantan is still under horrible siege since then.

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