Friday, November 18, 2005

New uprising in W.Sahara

november 15, 2005

New uprising in Western sahara.High Bills.
Since midnight November 13th 2005, there was an unprecedented overwhelming uprising in the history of the city(Layoune) since last May.This uprising has included the following places:Rass El-Khaima, Skeikima,, Cherif Errady, Zawyat Esheikh, Ben Hyousse, Tweiref, Niger, 23rd May, Mezwr to Tantan, Smara Avenue, Nhouhy Maataalla, Larak quarter, The avenue of El-Meduna to the camps of Chila, Boukraa avenue, Zanghat Boulmane, Zanghat Arrachidya, Zanghat Achawya, Nadhi Lahamar and its suburbs.The demonstrators raised the national flags and was fixed on roofs and hung on electricity pillars and chanted slogans rejecting occupations and demanding self-determination and independence.Many of the above mentioned avenues were blocked by burned tires and rocks. Among many other slogans there were the following:- No alternative other than self-determination.- Martyr rest, we will continue the fight.- Saharawi (man) and Saharawi (woman) my hand in yours for freedom.- Alive Polisario Front.In front of this tense explosive situation, and massive uprising that knew the occupied territories, the Moroccan oppressive apparatus of all its kinds are now confused between spontaneous reaction full of savagism and violence and brutal intervention using all means of assault and punishment, sticks, beating, kidnapping, torture backed by anti-riot water-pumping trucks. The main brutal intervening forces are: The bloody GUS (Urban Security Group), the SIMI and the GIR (a new intervention group, first time deployed in the territory) and finally the intervention of the military Gendarmerie.Many citizens were seriously injured others were detained, many Saharawi housed were broken into, their belonging destroyed, among the detainees are:- Massamiyh Baba (former detainee)- Haddy Mohamed LamineAmong the injured:- Khadudja Tahar- Mohamed Ragraggy ( he is now in comma after being terribly tortured)- Brahim Bayaaha- Mohamed Hassoune- Hamza Moulay- Naama Mousawy- Ahmed Djoumany- Sidahamed Rgueiby Laaroussy ammad (seriously wounded due to torture, can not move)- Hamza Mohamed said Mehdi ( was hit by a GUS vehicle type Land Rover 110 driven by the executioner Ichi Hossein)- Abdel Rahamman Salek Omar.- Moulay- Botabaaa Amina- Ali Tounssy- Aziza Amidane- Habiba AmidaneThe Houses of the following citizens were assaulted:- Wali Abnine- Ahl Laaroussy ( were aggressively attacked by Moroccan settlers)- Ahl Ahmass and their store door was damaged- Ahl Lashagar- Ahl sheigh Amidane- Ahl Mohamed Housseine- Ahl Aallali Ramdane- Mohamed Omar Dadde- Boujamaa Doudy- Yarbanna Maalainine- Hafed Hweidy- Abdel Samed Ahmaddane- Loud Ahmed Baba- Abdallal El-hor (nicknamed Katoursi)- Yara Lehkhlifa- Maryame Aamara- Ment Akhwalaha Boutabaa- Abdallahi Lembairkat- Yara Ahmed Ali Salem- Mohamedou Dah- Mahmoud Dkhil- Mohamed Salem Sidi Bachri Rahal.As a continuity to the 13th uprising, a demonstration was launched the 14th in different avenues and quarters of the city raising the national flags and chanting slogans demanding the departure of the occupiers and calling for independence therefore, besides the police and the army, more troops of the bloody forces mentioned above were deployed. News violent clashed took place where tens of houses were assaulted and their inhabitants beaten, belongings were either damaged or stolen. No exact number can be figured out until now among the demonstrators whose injuries are between wounds to broken bones ant the level of legs, arm, vertebra, crane and there are cases of comma due to the serious injuries.There are about 54 detainees besides tens who were tortured and released later.Primary list of some injured and detainees:- Yahdih Maatalla- Bekay Mheissanate- Sweyeh Mohamed Lamine Salek- Sidaty Aassaly- Akmach Mohamed Ali- Hamza Ghady- Mahjouba Bachir Kreita- Mansoura Chakoutty- Geiraa Abdel-Rahmane- Saadi Sahal.- Mousawi Ahmed Boujmaa- Haidala Khouna- Najem Khalil- Boutabaa Hanafy Ahmed- Sweyheh Cheikh Mohamed Najem- Sweyeh Adel-Rahmane- Bochra Mohamed Fadel Bouchraya- Boutabaa Boukhary- Ragueb kenty- Saleh Ahmed Hamma- Mohamed Mohamed Salem- Ahmed Nah- Haidala Khalil- Haidala Faddali- Fdeily Tahar Maatalla- Cheikh Mohamed Najem- Mohamed Lamine Dgheich- Chaarawi Bochra- Hassana el-Khalfawi- The whole Family of Tangi- Sidahmed Ahmedou Boujamaa- Ment Akhwalha Mohamed Lamine DjaaydarFamilies whose houses were assaulted:-Ahl Hafed-Mousawi Boujamaa- Ahl saadi Sahel- Aabidyne Brhim- Fatma Mohamed Maatala- Salma Maatala-Bahya Naouf- Cheikh Amidane- Mouloud Aali- Bachir Lebayhi-Ahmed labeid-Salek Noumraya- khouna Rgueiby- Mbarak Sallouky- Lamen Ahl Cheikh- Boujamaa Ahl Mamoune- Ahl Mamy Mohamed said- Ahl Akmache- Al Ghadi Ailal- Ahl Barya-Ahl DjaidarAmong the injured are:- Mohamed Saleh Hossein- Mohamed Ahmed Filali- Nadjem khalil- Mohamed Boulahi- Maryam Salahi- Aminatou Sidi Mohamed boutabaa- Fatima Ahmed Ali Salem- Salma Salek Lefdil- Aliha Alfanych- Mohamed Andalla Rahmoune- Fatma Hmade- Sahel Brahime Aalaya- Naama Ahmed Salem Baba- Idrissy Sidahmed Rgueiby- Hallaty Aazza- Boukhreisse Ameima- Manna Galana Ali- Ahl Ameidou- Lebeihy Mouloud- Hadamine Habouh- Nedrouha Bouzeid’- Ahmed Bahaya Naouf- Bismi-Allah- aliha Fanych- Saadi Aziza- Saadi Sal- Ragueb Kenty- Khawala Assaaidy- Ahmed Assaaydi- Maahfoud Saady Ragueb- Sal Massaoud- Moussawi Sidahamed- Aziza Salma Bachir- Faddalla Ameidou- Ameina Ameidou- Aabeida Ameidou- Maryem Bdel-rahmane- Feila Boullahi Breir- Noumraya Habib Alloud Andel-Rahmane- Boussawla Abdelllahi- Salka Mohamed Salem Mekky- Beila Fatma- Aamary Abdal-Moula- Ahl Aali Maatalla- Agheila Mohamed Salem- Saadi Hazaña- Omar Sidahamed AbdelMoula- Mohamed Habib (Sarghaly)- Fatma Amed Boutabaa- Aminatou Ahmed Boutabaa- Aziz Salama Bachir- Mouloud Ali- Hazaña tgalbout- Abder-Hmane Salek- Maryam Brahim Dweih- Aaza Karkoube- Hayoune Mahjoube- Zeidane Moussawi- Aabidyne Sbaayi- Bakka Djanhawi- Brahim Ragraggy- Brahim Manssouri- Moahmed haddi- Mostaza Mannane- Brahim Lembarki- Mhamed Boulahy- Mammadi Llak- Bachie Foughrawi- Mohamed Mouloud Matnane- Ben El-Aalem Ahmed Mohamed Fadel- Ghadi Hamza- Dahwar Ali Salem- El- Barbouch Sidi Mohamed- Lehbib Laaroussy- Lehbib Noumrya- Aalaya Laadjaj- Mohamed Mahmoud Achnane- Zerwali Housseine- Ahmed Bachir Ahmed Aali- Fatimatou Yarba- Mohamed Toubali- Fatma Mohamed Yahdih maatalla.
posted by saharanordic @ 4:32 PM
måndag, november 14, 2005

30 000 demonstrators for Western Sahara.
Madrid, 14/11/2005 (SPS) More than 30.000 persons demonstrated, Saturday in Madrid, to demand the withdrawal of Morocco from Western Sahara and to demand from the Spanish Government to play an effective role within the international community so as to enable Saharawi people exercise their legitimate right to self-determination, according to press agencies.The demonstration, which started from the Atocha Place marching towards Plasa Mayor in he centre of the Madrid, counted with the participation of many Spanish political personalities, especially the Coordinator of the Izquierda unida (Unified Left), Gaspar Llamazares, and the Spanish Popular Party’s Secretary for Foreign Relations, Jorge Moragas, besides members of the Executive Committee of all Spanish political parties, including Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE- in power), representatives of trade unions, including the Secretary General of Cimisiones Obreras (one of the most important Spanish Trade Unions), José Maria Fidalgo.Representatives of the Spanish and European civil society, NGOS, committees of support to the Saharawi cause and citizens also took part to the march that was widely covered by the Medias. "30 years of injustice and sufferings! 30 years are enough for the decolonisation of Western Sahara", "Justice for the Saharawi people", "Free Sahara", "Morocco guilty, Spain accountable", were some of the slogans chanted by the demonstrators during this march, which was organised on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Madrid’ Tripartite Accords through which Spain ceded the territory to Morocco and Mauritania. The participants, who were lifting pictures of Saharawi human rights activists (Ali Salem Tamek, Aminatou Haidar, Brahim Noumria an others), denounced human rights violations in the occupied territories that culminated lately by the assassination of the young Martyr Lembarki Hamdi under torture in El Aaiun. At the end of the demonstration the declaration of Madrid "for the decolonisation of Western Sahara" was read before the participants. The text, which was signed by more than 700.000 signatures of support, will be handed over to the Spanish Government this week, it was indicated."The Spanish State is historically and politically responsible of the colonisation the people of the Western Sahara is suffering, since Spain has occupied the territory and exploited its resources for more than a centaury", the text of the declaration underlines. It calls the Spanish Government to undertake "a determined action" so as the process of decolonisation that was interrupted in 1975 can be completed in a just way through the organisation of a self-determination referendum. It further called on Zapatero’s Government to demand from Morocco the respect of the UN’s Security Council’s resolutions, especially the resolution 1495, in which the Council endorsed the" Peace plan for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara”, most known as the Baker Plan.Before that, Mr. José Taboada, President of the State Coordination of the Spanish Associations of solidarity with the Sahara (CEAS-Sahara), affirmed that it "is time to put an end to injustice and to the tragedy lived by the Saharawi people". "Saharawi people said: 30 years of repression is enough", he added referring to the uprising of Saharawi people in the occupied territories of Western Sahara."Spanish political powers are unanimously considering that the Sahara is a problem of the Spanish State. Spain must assume, within the international community, the leadership of the efforts aimed at setting justice for the Saharawi people", he underlined. The writer Mrs. Rosa Regas, who undertook lots of visits to the Saharawi refugee’s camps, declared she was "moved" by the number of participants, some 30.000 according to the organisers. (SPS)010/090/000 140940 nov 05 SPS
Source: Sahara Press ervice
posted by saharanordic @ 2:44 PM
söndag, november 13, 2005

Spain hides its real politicy about Western Sahara.
Spain hides its real politics about Western Sahara.This analysis was highly spread in the Solidarity of the Saharawi people milieu, the Polisario Front leadership has always tried to avoid tackling it publicly but it became unanimous attitude among the strong solidarity associations with the Saharawi people which has a big influence on the Spanish political milieu mainly at regional levels. Therefore, these associations celebrated yesterday the anniversary of the Madrid Agreement by organizing a huge demonstration that walked along Madrid streets from the Train Station which was the target of the Moroccan Commando March bombing to the main square in the city center known as “Plaza Mallor”. In this overwhelming gathering, the Solidarity associations demanded that Morocco stop immediately the oppression in the occupied territories and requested that the Spanish government must denounce publicly the “Madrid Agreement” which “legalize” the invasion of Western Sahara by the Moroccan Forces in the end of 1975 and the withdrawal if the Spanish forces with a humiliating way according to the officers who received the orders to do so.The demonstration was supported by the presence of President Mohamed Abdel-aziz who is now in Spain. He declared previously that there is no other option exept the referendum for self-determination as a solution for the question of Western Sahara and the rejection of any other approach that does not take into consideration the non-negotiable right of the Saharawi people to freely choose his destiny.The Saharawi leadership and the Spanish supporting forces launched jointly an unprecedented attack on the Zapatero government mainly against the foreign Affairs minister in person, Moratinos, and accused a lobbying group close to the government headed by the previous president Consalez to defend the Moroccan regime goals in the region despite that the government has several times declared its neutrality and its support to the UN but behind the curtains it hides maneuvers that aim at the realization of the Moroccan strategic objectives on the detriment of the Saharawi people, the balance and stability in north west Africa.In this regard, the discourse of the Saharawi government calls the Spanish government to denounce an agreement that is totally contradictory to the international legality concluded by Spain on the eve of its withdrawal from the colony and never got back on it until now despite the UN resolutions which abolished it.The demonstration organized yesterday in Madrid was attended by 30 000 people. It should be recalled.

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