Monday, November 07, 2005
The Saharawi students continue their protest against the Moroccan occupation
In English:Seville/aaiأ؛n. Important forces of the Moroccan Police have been unfolded for days in the Aaiأ؛n, capital of the Western Sahara, when anniversary of the Green March approaches the 30 that marked the beginning of the annexation by Morocco of the territory administered by Spain. For one week, skirmishes when coming out of the schools between the minors have been taking place and the adolescents who send independentist slogans and the Police that disperse them with cudgels, indicated inhabitants and people in charge of organisms of human rights. Last Saturday the situation acquired dramatic contours with the death of a man, when a group of saharahuis shouted hostile slogans to Morocco, in the avenue Smara, main artery of the city. According to the version given by the Police, Hamdi Lambarki died, "apparently, by effect of throw of stones of the demonstrators", when confrontations with the forces of the order took place. On the contrary, according to testimonies obtained by the family of the victim, the man was attacked by a vehicle of the Police and soon the occupants struck it in the head. Left unconscious by the forces of the order, he was lead to the hospital that he rejected to enter it and he died Sunday in the morning. This agitation takes place three days before thirtieth anniversary of the Green March, sent by king Hassan II in 1975 in the direction of the old Spanish colony. In that occasion, about 350,000 Moroccans went, the 6 of November of 1975, towards the border with the Western Sahara, to demand the sovereignty of Morocco on this territory. From end of the month of September to now, multitude of saharauis has been jailed and arrested in the territories occupied after pronouncing itself demanding the liberation of all the political prisoners and the right to the celebration of the self-determination referendum. Many of them are activists of human rights saharauis were locked up in the different jails and finally regrouped in the Black jail from the Aaiأ؛n, as they demanded the shut in ones and that Morocco yielded due to the international pressure. One of the prisoners has been Ali Salem Tamek, activist of the human rights, that the sanitary absence in the Moroccan jails and the continuous violations to the human rights of Morocco by its "systematic policy of repression denounces, tortures, unjust judgments and of bad treatments inside the jails". In the same way, it made a call for "the rise of the blockade of security in mass media in the cities of the Western Sahara, in addition to an opening from the territory to the missions of international observers". At the moment 27 Morocco saharauis in the Black jail of the Aaiأ؛n has jailed to and 3 in the one of Agadir (Morocco) after distributing panfletos and flags of the Polisario in which they demanded the liberation of the political prisoners and the immediate retired of the forces of occupation in the Sahara.Pero the arbitrary haltings are not the only scandal in which it has been surrounded the alaui Government. The past 9 of October were discovered common graves with corpses of some disappear saharauis. An official organism Moroccan called Instance of Fairness and Reconciliation (IER), informed about the exhumation of 50 corpses of people disappeared during the reign of Hassan II in different cemeteries located near the secret centers from halting. Between these 43 corpses were saharauis that they were kidnapped in the decade of the 70, 80 and 90 by the Moroccan regime and that died during the halting in secret prisons that are in mountainous zones of the south of Morocco, like Agdez, Kalat Magunna and Tagunit. At the moment, the relatives of deads have rejected to negotiate with the delegation of the Moroccan Magzen IER, which tried to take to the relatives with the objective to close this file for end of November, date top in which the prorogation of the existence of the own IER finishes. For some members of the Polisario, the Moroccan regime "uses this tactics to elude responsibilities before the crimes committed against the humanity and to pass page, rejecting all the legitimate vindications of the relatives".In French: