Saturday, October 18, 2008
An international law event that is being held at the School of Oriental and African Studies from October 16th- November 6th 2008.
The International Court of Justice handed down its Advisory Opinion on the Western Sahara, upholding the right of its people to self-determination against the territorial claims of neighbouring states, Morocco and Mauritania.Three weeks later, in disregard of the Court's Opinion, and in violation of international law, Morocco staged its ' Green March' into the Western Sahara,so beginning the occupation that continues today. To mark the 33rd anniversary of the Court's Opinion, and to protest
its continuing non-implementation, the SOAS Centre for the study of Colonialism, Empire and International Law and SANDBLAST are inviting lawyers, academics, judges, human rights activists, members of the public, and sundry public figures to join with SOAS international law students and participate in the first ever WesternSahara marathon public reading of the ICJ's Advisory Opinion that will begin on the 16th October (the
anniversary of the Opinion ) and continue every lunchtime until the 6th November
( the anniversary of the Moroccan Green March).