Monday, June 07, 2010

IV International Art Encounters in the Western Sahara

call: IV International Art Encounters in the Western Sahara

Call for entries
Deadline: 18 June 2010

IV International Art Encounters in the Western Sahara liberated Territories
October 16th – 30th 2010. Tifariti (Free Sahara)


1. The object of this call is the selection of artistic projects and interventions of permanent character to be executed in Tifariti, capital of the Western Sahara liberated Territories, reflecting and activating the cultural, social and geopolitical reality of the Western Sahara.

The central axis of this project is the existence of a 2,700 km wall, seeded by three million mines, that divides Western Sahara in two and splits the Sahrawi population between occupation and exile for the last 35 years.

ARTifariti 2010, IV International Art Encounters in the Western Sahara liberated Territories are organised by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Ministry of Culture and the Association Friends of the Sahrawi People in Seville (Asociación de Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui de Sevilla - AAPSS). ARTifariti is an appointment with artistic practices as a tool to vindicate Human rights; the right of the people to their land, their culture, their roots and their freedom. It is an annual encounter of public art to reflect on creation, and society, and is a point of contact for artists interested in the capacity of art to question and transform the reality. ARTifariti wants to promote inter culture relations, fomenting the interchange of experiences and skills between local artists and international artists from other parts of the world; to contribute to the international diffusion of the Sahrawi reality, causing a reflection from the world of Art and the Culture through direct knowledge, and promote the development of these people through their cultural patrimony.

2. This is an international call. Artists of any nationality, whether individual or collective is eligible to apply. Collectives have to appoint one representative who will travel to Tifariti to execute the work.

3. The call is open to proposals from all artistic disciplines (painting, sculpture, drawing, video, performance art, site specific interventions, interventions in ta social context, etc.). Projects proposing to use local found materials and native resources such as: lsand, stones, , animal bones, recycled materials, construction steel, concrete blocks, bomb shells and other war remnants, local fabrics from jaimas, tinted melfas, etc. are preferred. As proposals for permanent artworks that will contribute to establishing Tifariti as an international cultural centre and a powerful symbol of the hopes of the Sahrawi People and the rest of humanity.

Other selection criteria will be the adjustment of the proposals to the conceptual approach of these encounters (as previously described in point 1), the context in which they are developed as well as their artistic and technical viability, considering the social, geographic and economic reality of the Sahrawi People.

4. A jury formed by professionals from the world of the Art will select a total of six projects based on their artistic merit. The names of the members of the jury will be published in ARTifariti´s Web ( one month before the selection of the projects.

5. The Ministry of Culture of SADR and AAPSS, organisers of the Encounter, will supply the materials and necessary tools for the realisation of the projects.

6. Flights from Madrid to Tifariti, internal transport, artist lodging and subsistence during the duration of the encounter will be provided by the organization. Note: participants will fund their own way to Madrid.

7. Artworks will become part of the cultural patrimony of Tifariti and will be exhibited outdoors at the Museum of Tifariti. Artists will transfer property rights of the work, as well as the publication and reproduction rights in any kind of support to the Ministry of Culture of SADR (by means of written document signed after the communication of the selection), with the aim of contributing to the spirit and reasons that govern the present call. In case the execution of the work obligatorily demands some process of finishing after to the conclusion of ARTifariti, their authors commit themselves to deliver it fully completed within a month at the AAPSS
offices, in order for them to be transported to the Museum in Tifariti.
8. The development and content of the Encounter, as well as the artworks realised, will be shown through mass media and trough the printing of a specific catalogue. For their elaboration, the selected artists commit themselves to transfer to the organization within the maximum term of a month their reflection on their creative experience and their work in a text (one page maximum), as well as other graphic documentation materials related to their creation (including photographs, web pages or action through the net).

9. Touring exhibitions will be organized, inside and outside Sahrawi territories, in order to maximise the spread of the Encounter, and in this context artists are asked to allow the recording and documentation of the creative processes and all the activities that take place during the encounter.

10. Artists who later develop presentations, exhibitions, catalogues or another printed or audio-visual material, as well as actions or any works derived from the artworks selected and developed in these encounter, will mention specifically in the different artistic distribution and promotion means that the work was realised for ARTifariti and, being transferred to the Ministry of Culture of the SADR, as part of the cultural patrimony of the Saharwi People; In the same fashion they shall notify the AAPSS and will deliver such material in order to make it part of the Museum of Tifariti.

11. Presentation of works:

Artists who wish to participate in IV the edition of ARTifariti must present a project that includes the following documentation:

- Author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail and curriculum (max. 2.000 characters).
- Title and illustrated description of the project (max. 4.000 characters)
- Relation of the technical, material and assembly needs, including work’s dimensions (if so) and estimated budget.
- Press and catalogue dossiers, if the artist considers it would aid the evaluation of his /her work and endorsement of the project proposal.

Projects should be send in PDF format to or by mail to:

ARTifariti 2010
Asociación de Amistad con el Pueblo Saharaui de Sevilla (AAPSS)
Calle Virgen de la Antigua, 4 – Bajo Derecha
41011 Sevilla - España

12. The verdict of the jury will become public from June 30th 2010. The organization will then make contact with the selected artists with the purpose of completing the details of their participation according to the previously specified bases. Artists will carry out their works in Tifariti during the days established for the Encounter, outdoors or in spaces equipped for their creative work. The finished projects will be presented on October 18th.

Artists participating in this call thereby agree with the rules and conditions set above.


The curators of the IV edition of ARTifariti, Alonso Gil and Federico
Guzmán will be available for questions or for extended information at the
following addresses:
Alonso Gil:
Federico Guzmán:

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